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نبذة عن المقرر:
استخدام مبادئ الهندسة الكيميائية في العمليات المتعددة المراحل التي تتضمن فصل المكونات الكيميائية، مفهوم مرحة الاتزان، تصميم وتشغيل الأجهزة متعددة المراحل المستعملة في التقطير وفي عمليات الاستخلاص بنوعيها جامد – سائل، وسائل – سائل. تجارب معملية مرافقة (التقطير، الاستخلاص).
هكم 335
المتطلبات السابقة:
مواضيع المقرر:
Phase Equilibrium relations and phase diagrams. Fundamentals of stage operations, the equilibrium stage, graphical and analytical stage determination.
Application of equilibrium stage analysis to Distillation: Types of distillation: Differential, Equilibrium Flash Vaporization, and steam distillation. Analysis of binary distillation processes, McCabe-Thiele, graphical methods and stage-to-stage calculations.
Introduction to multicomponent distillation. Plate-to-plate calculations and short-cut methods of stage determination. Efficiency of vapor-liquid contactors. Design and operating characteristics of plate columns. Determination of column height and diameter. Distillation tray design and dynamics.
Application of equilibrium stage analysis to solvent extraction and leaching: - Liquid-liquid Extraction: Fields of application, modelling and analysis of single, multiple cross-current and multistage counter current extraction cascades. Equipment in common use. Leaching: Solid liquid equilibrium, design of counter current leaching equipment.
Absorption as an example of a differential contact process. Gas absorption relationships. Basic design equation of packed columns. Characteristics of tower packing, flow of fluid through tower packing and phenomena associated with it such as flooding and loading etc.... Introduction to absorption when accompanied by chemical reactions, and multicomponent absorption.